Platteville Community Arboretum (PCA) commissioned three artworks for the trail with an additional work donated by the artist. Made primarily from natural materials these site specific works will integrate with the landscape and ultimately return to the land.

4,200 Stones


stones, cable

It is estimated there are 4,200 religions and spiritual practices active in the world today. The artwork began when stones were gathered from the creek bed and will be complete when support wires deteriorate and they return to the water. In many ways this is a time based piece and once installed is left to the forces of nature to determine its lifespan.

The stones were drilled with diamond tipped bits by hand and washed before being strung on the cable. The original conception called for smaller stones totally 4,200, however the small stones were not suitable for drilling and were prone to breakage. The piece has 100 larger stones per loop, with 42 stands hanging down to represent the title’s number. The stings of stone were attached to the trees to allow movement, while limiting cutting into the bark. The site was chosen for the number of trees over the creek, the access to the creek side and the plant space between trail and installation.


Terrain Biennial


Farm Report